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Team FAS Joins Forces with for 25th Annual East Coast Trip to Glamis Sand Dunes!

Posted by JT on 2/5/2023 to Events and Races
This year we again are joining forces with for the 25th Annual East Coast Trip to the Glamis Sand Dunes in California. This will be our 25th year going with and if you haven't ever been and live on the east coast be sure to get ahold of them! It's a trip not to be missed. 

Riders all over the world dream of doing this dune trip and we are fortunate enough to be able to get out there multiple times each year. This is all due to the affordable shipping provided by Sure, you can use a company or Uship but why pay a non rider to ship one machine and have the hassle of waiting and delays when you can pay roughly half if not less for round trip and get out there with a group of 40 other riders from the East coast and have a blast camping and riding. Its such a great trip with everyone helping everyone and always seeming like you have known everyone for years. Around camp is a great time as always and all the people on this trip help if you need something fixed or sharing food etc. I cant say enough about the trip being awesome.

Check out some of our videos from past trips on our YouTube channel HERE